Public roads (Eden, Jaclyn, and Stephanie) are plowed by VDOT. If there are issues with the snow removal or you notice they are not coming through in a timely fashion, then please call and let them know. The more calls they receive, the sooner they will come and clear the street. Contact VDOT at 703-327-6925.

VDOT Snow Removal, Snowplow Tracker and Snow Driving Information

All other streets in the town home areas are plowed by a private contractor hired by the HOA (currently Ricky Horseman).  During heavier snowfalls, making roads passable are the contractor’s first priority. This does not mean that roads will be cleared from curb to curb on the first pass.

Homeowners and renters are responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of their home.

Additional recommendations:

  • Move your vehicles from the curb to garages and driveways when possible, so snow plows can clear the roads more effectively.
  • Don’t move snow from your property into the roads.
  • Clear sidewalks adjacent or near your home.
  • Clear snow away from mailboxes so the mail trucks can deliver mail.